*SAVE THE DATE* Next Annual Training will be May 7, 2025  *SAVE THE DATE*

"Unmasking Adult Abuse: Leading the Way to Change"

registration opens March 1st, 2025 • click here for more information

The Greater Augusta Coalition Against Adult Abuse (GACAAA) was formed on November 1, 2010 when Blue Ridge Legal Services received a 10 month mini-grant from the Administration on Aging. The mission of GACAAA is to promote safe communities free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation by identifying and utilizing coalition resources through partnerships, community action, education, and advocacy and to address circumstances that make adults vulnerable. By educating the community to recognize and report adult abuse, neglect and financial exploitation, we envision a community where vulnerable adults are valued and treated with respect, honor and dignity and have safe, secure lives free from abuse.

To promote communities where vulnerable adults are safe and free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation

Greater Augusta Coalition Against Adult Abuse

proud member of

The board meets virtually on the 1st Wednesday of each month, except for July and August.

If interested in joining us, send an email to be added to the board meeting notification list.

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